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Monday 7 August 2017

Some German And English Book Tips

Dear all, 

I recently noticed that two of my most favourite books on the topic of well-being have been translated into German and I just wanted to share this information with the many German speaking followers of the blog, who may find it difficult to read a whole book in English. These books are: 

‘Der achtsame Weg zur Resilienz und Wohlbefinden: Wie wir unser Gehirn vor Stress und Burn-Out schützen können’ von Linda Graham

'Mindsight- Die neue Wissenschaft der persönlichen Transformation’ von Daniel Siegel.

The English titles of these books are: 'Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being.' (Linda Graham) and 'Mindsight: Transform Your Brain with the New Science of Kindness.' (Daniel Siegel). 

Both these books are excellent, as they not only explain the brain processes underlying our interaction with other people and the world at large, but also suggest practical ways on how we may become more effective with dealing with our day-to-day challenges and achieve a higher level of well-being. 

I also got another great book tip by a blog follower, for those of you who prefer to read about the subject of wellbeing and the meaning in life in a novel-style, rather than non-fiction book. In fact there are two book tips by the same author (both available in English and German): 

In 'The Big Five For Life' (same title for both the German and the English version), author John Streleckly tells the story of how wise attitudes and decision-making make all the difference for good leadership and how this can translate into a successful professional and private life. 

 In 'The Why Are You Here Cafe' (German title: Das Cafe am Rande der Welt), the main character John embarks on a journey of self-discovery, pondering on questions like: Why Are You Here? Do You Fear Death? Are You Fulfilled? 

I have not had the opportunity to read these two books myself yet but they are on my reading list for my next holiday! Please feel free to spread the word and pass on these book tips to other people, just as you are welcome to share any other posts.

You will hear back from me on Friday, when we will explore the why, how and limitations of forgiveness, which turns out to play a great role in our quality of life. 

Have a great week until then, 

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