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Tuesday 2 May 2017

A Special Thank You...and a Quote for the Week

One of the funny things, which keeps happening to me when people find out that I am writing a blog about happiness is that I often get asked: 'So are you perfectly happy now, as you know all about happiness?' and my answer is 'Of course I am not!' 

I do not mean this in a negative way, but naturally, there is always some aspect in our life which is not perfect, some smaller or bigger problem to sort out, be it in our private life or at work. So in this sense, I am clearly like everybody else. However, I must say that having positive psychology as a hobby and doing all the research for the blog has made me a happier person. The two things I have personally benefited most from have been the topics of the last two posts: meaning and gratitude. 

As I have explained in the last post, I have had the fortune to work with two very special colleagues, who were so to speak 'gratitude role models'. But beyond that, I can count myself lucky to work in a team of absolutely amazing colleagues of admin and logistical support staff, technicians, nurses and vets, who are not only excellent in their line of work but also just really nice. As you all know, our jobs can be really stressful at times, which is why it is so important to have good work relationships; over the years (and particularly in the last few weeks) I have had so many interesting conversations with colleagues, which have been really inspiring.

So I would like to just take the opportunity to say thank you to all the great people at work!

Also, of course, I would like to thank all blog followers, which have been continuously increasing in numbers. For people who have only joined recently: you can go through all previous posts chronologically by date or by topic (called 'labels'); both lists can be found on the right hand side bar of the web-view version of the blog. 

People have so far been a little shy with public comments and likes, but I have received a great response in private messages, emails and verbal feed-back, so thank you all for this as well. It really makes a difference for me and keeps my motivation up!

Finally, as there are still quotes coming from other quote-lovers, here a quote for the week:

'Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.'
                                                                                     Marcus Tullius Cicero

I hope that you also all had good reasons to be grateful this week and look forward to the next post on Friday, which will be exploring the question if and how money and possessions can make us happy. 

Have a good week, 


  1. Keep your motivation up Petra because you are motivating other people!! Thank you again!

  2. Thank you so much for for your kind comments, I really appreciate it :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
